What this means is that A) my experience with pinky toe torture proved not to turn my baby, and B) we have confirmed our c-section... Baby F arrives on JUNE 24!
I have to admit that I’m relieved now that we have a plan, especially becuase that plan allows us to be prepared and have what I will refer to as IBR (instantaneous baby removal) versus hours of painful labor and the possibility of a bunch of people watching as you accidentally make number 2 on the table (real fears revealed). But I’m also realizing that I'm replacing that movie-esque surprise it's time moment with a scene from Dexter.
I see benefits for both: time in labor, time of recovery, freakiness factor (kind of a wash), but of course the only important thing is that she's here healthy and safe. But let me ask you... is there something to be missed when not having a regular delivery?
>try laying in the bath tub (even though you whole belly probably sticks out of the water now & gets chilled and then itchy > keep dipping from side to side if you can ;) ) & talk to your baby. say.. please baby, turn around,.. i won't get tense and weird.. i'm ready, go ahead. then totally relax. just an idea.
2) Hooray for finally getting to meet Baby F in person...its starting to get odd talking to your belly (just kidding, its really not)
So exciting, I was always jealous of my friends with Summer bdays growing up, they always got to have awesome outdoor pool parties.
Also, are you missing anything by going C-section? yes - but only the gross and painful stuff. :-)