Everything she does is a critique on me...

If I wasn't already terrible at keeping up with the blog with kid + job + new kid + new job... Now I'm working on a monster of a conference which I fly out for TOMORROW, so I'm even more off the map!

I am trying to juggle working from home with a part-time babysitter, but given the proximity of my event, I've  been working many many hours outside of when the babysitter is here.

This week, I heard Lucy playing with her pink plastic toy laptop, saying to the babysitter, "I HAVE TO WORK OK?  CAN YOU PLEASE BE QUIET? I'LL GIVE YOU A COOKIE IF YOU CAN BE QUIET WHILE I WORK." 

Babysitter laughed; I kinda cried.



Kristie said…
it doesn't take much but I just laughed out loud. no mommy guilt, do your thing! Whatever it takes, these "3" year olds are going to be the end of me!
bluejeanamy said…
oh my god hysterical -- dawg, you're an awesome mama and setting a great example of having a cool career and being her best friend! hope the conference went well and glad you're home!! xo
HH said…
lol... that is too cute. you are a wonderful mother; far from the cat in the cradle man.

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