Two Weeks Old

Lucy is two weeks old today and almost back to her birth weight, but still a tiny peanut.


amy said…
*faints from the insane cuteness*
Lora said…
If you are having trouble getting her to sleep, I HIGHLY recommend "Happiest Baby on the Block" need to buy the whole book, you can google on the internet and get the 5 steps. The rest of the book explains why it works, take it from me it does. Good luck...she is so cute!
Nikki said…
Love that book! I recommend it too to anyone expecting... not only does it give you useful steps that work, but it gives you peace of mind by explaining newborn sleeping issues. Didn't think to google it though - like cliffs notes!
LHV said…
Big feet rule :)
Unknown said…
Love the bow and want one in my size (you know i'd wear it!)

She is so tiny and cute, I can't get over it!
JMacBritt said…
OMG I WANT THAT BOW, and Lucy. She is so damn cute. She opens her eyes so much now! I can't believe she is two weeks old.
Tami said…
So adorable. Love the bow.
Anonymous said…
She is beautiful. I love the last picture where her little bum is up in the air. SO F'EN CUTE.
Misty said…
I love the feet and the second pic with her eyes open!
Fritzy said…
Awww so cute! can't wait to meet her!
aimee.s.s. said…
She is SO adorable! And loves the photo shoots huh? So do we! It was hard to wait a whole week :)

How are you feeling and everything?! Must be crazy/exciting/wonderful to have her around all the time now!
k. mukai said…
aw, i miss her already!
rnb said…
she is TOO cute, i love her
Rachel said…
Lucy is such a doll!

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