Patent pending...
Monday was a gorgeous day and I was home early after being released from jury duty (Lucy was my ticket out of there) - so I took advantage of the afternoon and spent it with Lucy at the park outside our apartment. The last time the weather was this nice, she was just a tiny newborn and was only able to enjoy the weather from her stroller or carrier. Now she is able to play!
We crawled around on the blanket.
We read a book and had a snack.
We rolled a ball.
It was so nice!
Over the weekend, we were at my Grandparents' where she had her first encounter with grass... I think she mistook it for SMOULDERING HOT LAVA. So where I was so careful to gently introduce her to the grass, Nat meets us there after work and of course plops her right on it to see what she will do.
...Which was hilarious. She threw her feet and hands into the air and balanced on her bum until we picked her up. WOULD. NOT. TOUCH. THE GRASS. I swear she was almost levitating.
So the answer to baby proofing? ASTROTURF BOUNDARIES. Get ready for it.
We crawled around on the blanket.
We read a book and had a snack.
We rolled a ball.
It was so nice!
Over the weekend, we were at my Grandparents' where she had her first encounter with grass... I think she mistook it for SMOULDERING HOT LAVA. So where I was so careful to gently introduce her to the grass, Nat meets us there after work and of course plops her right on it to see what she will do.
...Which was hilarious. She threw her feet and hands into the air and balanced on her bum until we picked her up. WOULD. NOT. TOUCH. THE GRASS. I swear she was almost levitating.
So the answer to baby proofing? ASTROTURF BOUNDARIES. Get ready for it.