Very un-baby blog post

I had this lovely Droid.  It would do all kinds of lovely things - it had a GPS so I'd never get lost.  Gentle Alarm woke me up at my lightest stage of sleep and I started feeling more rested and remembering my dreams.  Compared to my old crusty Blackberry... it was like the future.  But of course I have to be all dumb and lose it outside during a monsoon.

I have reactivated my Blackberry and I might as well be talking into a cup on a string.  I have seen the light! And have to make the decision - invest in a new Droid or get an iPhone?

iPhone would mean waiting until November and changing carriers, which seems like a hastle so I'm likely to be Verizon 4 LIFE and get another Droid.  However, the iPhone has a great camera and the Droid camera is no good.  So do I Droid?  Or wait 8 months and get an iPhone that will allow me to take MILLIONS MORE PICTURES OF LUCY?  WITH FUN EFFECTS??

And I admit it - I should change this blog to The Lucy Picture Factory.

Can't resist a baby in jammies (with mis-matching socks, no less).


CH said…
Don't forget, the iPhone 3GS has a VIDEO camera and you can send or TEXT videos to people.... I am an iPhone junkie, so I say wait. I just downloaded an app that will call taxis for me in whatever city I am in and charge my bank account (no cash!) so I love this phone.
Juro said…
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Juro said…
I'm holding out for the Google Nexus One (on Verizon), Lu will probably like it
nikki said…
if i didnt have to wait, i would def be getting the iphone..... but i hate waiting! that's 8 months...
Unknown said…
I'm for the iPhone. I love mine and take a million pictures of my dog and they are great quality! I don't like the waiting either but its well worth the wait.
amy said…
tough call!

i have an iphone and really do love the pics and vids i can take on it. there are also a few apps that my life would be empty without.

that being said! i REALLY miss verizon. at&t = nightmare.

oh wait -- cc just told me that iphone is going to verizon, too, this summer. so maybe -- wait till then and get the best of both worlds??
Nikki said…
thanks Amy and people! got a bunch of emails about verizon getting iphone... so that seals the deal. droid it is... hopefully to be replaced by an iphone on verizon. WIN WIN.
aimee.s.s. said…
Word on the street is that iPhone is coming out with a Verizon version -- still probably a few months away, but for those of us Verizon4Lifers its a light.
aimee.s.s. said…
PS, I swear I read through all the comments before posting mine. Must be end of the day brain mush -- but hooray for people substantiating my rumors

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