Here in the Ferrante household, days like today are referred to as “GSDS” or Get Shit Done Saturdays. With all the loft work we’ve been doing the past few weeks, there is A LOT of cleaning, unpacking, and reorganizing to do. We started today's outing with lunch at Men-Tei Noodle House (my man knows how to motivate me) followed by a trip to Home Depot for supplies.

The rest of the day has been spent cleaning, potting some plants for the balcony, and lots of laundry, dishes, mopping, and furniture polishing. Basically every surface in our apartment is covered in spackle dust. We cleaned last weekend but a new layer has filtered down after some final work that was completed this week, so we’re at it again and still going. Eyes on the prize... a week from today we’ll be finishing the inside of Baby F’s room and then we can reside in a clean and larger apartment – ready to start setting up for her arrival, which is coming faster than I can believe.

I'm so happy with the transformation so far! I can't wait to have pictures to share; however in the meantime, here's a picture of the pre-construction packing. Yes, that's Spinal Tap on TV.


amy said…
turn it up to eleven!

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